HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.48 Coal Ridge PUD Reso and Map! ';i {-\ isl eel3l H8 ll3i l{ag ln r Recorded "r I t o{ -"fY* 4 "'. :,#r,^ :*ffsir[- MTLDTiLD ALg.qglf' H:::P::Boception No'- ttrrNe [^-;i;t, Cour:w, coLoRADo STA1E OF @I.ORAM ) )ss CountY of Garfield ) Brlf( 66P weLW "o*nrtl rl.M:'i:?.!l#'nH3'3.'ilru:i'erd countv Courthouse in Clenwooa Spring= ot'--Thu""d?{,=='-=' the Z7t!-day of December A.D' I9B4 ' there t''ere present: Bttor 66? rrcr$gS Larrv velas-quqz ' ngf:ilffi: chairman ' @nrnissionerEuAene ttJir.n" Drinkhouse ' r..r,rr.rf. Af-tor; ::::r"t':::"il,,sssistant- , Cferf-of the Board whenthefo}Iowingproceedings,aflpngotnerswerehadarrddone,to-wit: RESOLUTToN }io- 84-26r A RESOLU.TION CO}.CERNED WITII TIIE APPRO\TAL OF A}I APPLICATION OF SlOFTtt KINCS MINES,I}iC.lronumI{oDIFICATIoNoFTIIERIVERBNDPIANNED[,NIT DEvErppMENr rc nm @AL RTDGE pr,aNNeD uNrr DE,EL.PM*{T AI{D APPR,\IAL oF rrs PIAN. hIIIEREAS, St'orm King lttines, Inc' has filed an application with the Board of counry a;;i;i.ners of Garfield county, colorado, for tne modification of It" nirr".*na pi.nted Unit oevelopnrent to tfre Coal Ridge pranned unit Developxnent ana ap,piwir of its pran for the parcer of rand to be rezoned; I|IIIEREAS, a public hearing was held by this Board on DeceIIDer L7, 1984; I{HEREA^Srbasedupontheevidencersr.rorntestimonyrexhibits,studyof thecorrprehensiveplanfortheunincorporated?rgasgrcar|illdCounty, comnents from the Garfield county oepaitnent of DevelogrEnt ancl the Garfield County Planning Conunission, and comnents from aII interested parties, this Board finds, based on SuDstantial competent evidence, aS follovrs: 1.Tlaatproperpublicationandpuolicnoticewasprovided,as reguired by law, for tne hearing before the Board; 2.TfiatthehearingbeforetheBoardwasextensiveandcorrplete, that all pertinent f*i=r-r*ii..=. and-issues vrere submitted, and that aII interested parties were heard at the hearing; 3.TtrattheGarfieldCountyPlanningCorrmissionnasrecomnended tothisBoardt'hattlrereguistedzoningchangebegranted,p.orii}"d;; ;;;;"in-.ondirions be irnposed upon the appricant; 4.ThatthePt]DTnodificationisconsistentwithtneefficient developnent and preseivation of the entire PUD, dOeS not affect' in a substantlalry "a""i""-*""".r, either the enjoynrent of rand abutting upon or *ro==-i street from the PUD, or the E:olic j.nterest,andisnotq.*tedsolelytoconferaspecialbenefit upon anY Personi 5.tnattheproposedzoningisingeneralcompliancewiththe recotrrnendationssetfortninthecoq)renensiveplanfortfie unincorporatedareaofthe@unty;providedcertainconditions arerretinanySubseguentlandusepermitapplicatlonsi 6.TtratthereguestedPlannedtjnitDeveloprnentl,lodificationis ingeneralcorrplrancewitha]-lrequirementsoftneapplicable Garfie}dCountyZoningResolutionand,further,thatthe,*u"Ii.a-pi*."a unii oevelopnent I'tcdification is suitaole ar,o "pprop.i.tl-totthesubjectproperty'giventhelocation'condition and circumstJc.s of tne property, -d 1! is generarly corrpatiblewithexistinglandusesintnesurrourdirrgnearby area; A .l Boot ffi"rifft',9 m,fi W,fitr$gp 6. Ttrat for above-stated and other reasons, the proposed Planned Unit Develognent tr4oditrcation and planned unit develoErnent plan is in the best interest of healtlr, safety, rnorals, convenience, order, prosperity and weltare of ffie citizens of Garfi.elo County; and WHEREAS, the Board must, for the prrpose of analyzing the su.lcject application, in accordance with the provisions of the Garfield County Zoning Resolution, establish the neighbornood which may be affected by the trnssiole approval of the zoning change and, further, the Board has hetermined-that, except as otnerwise noted herein, sucfr neighbornood rs in the area of Garfield Countyr Colorado, within a one and one half (L L/2) mile radius of the proSnsed develogxnent. t{cw, IIHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county conrnissioners of Garfield County, Colorado, that the application for the l4odification of the Rlverbend Planned Unrt tteveloprnent to tne CoaI Ridge Planned Unlt Develognent be approved for tne following descrlbed property 1n the unincorporated area of Garfield County, as follows: l. Ttrat aII verbal and written representations of the applicant snall be considered conditions of approval, unless expressly , provided for in this Resolution. 2. That the zoning text of the planned Unit Developrnent plan for the CoaI Ri.dge Planned Unit Develo5rnent IS attacned hereto as D<hi"bit "A'r, incorporated herein by reference as is fully set forth herein. 3. That the planned unit develotrment map for the @al Ridge Planned Unit Develo5xnent is attacned hereto aS E:xnrDlt "B", incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth nereln. 4. ltrat the legal description of tne property hrnlch encompasses the Coal Ridge Planned Unit DeveloEnent is attached herein as E:hibit "C", incorSnraEed hereln oy reference as it fully set forth herein. ATTBST:GARFIELD COUNIY BOARD OF CO{I''I'ISSIO{ERS GARFIELD COUNTY, @IPRAM t pon rnotion duly made and seconded ttre foregolng Resolution was adopted bY the following vote: Larrv Velasouez lYe@use tYem Aye STATE OF C:OIORAM ) ) County of Garfield ) r - , County Clerr ard ex-off icj-o Clerx{of tfre rs ].n and for tne countY and st'ate aforesaid do hereoy certify that ttre annexed and foregoing Order is truly copied from the Records of tne Proceedj'ngs of tlre Board of County Colnnissioners for said Garfield County, nohl in rny office. IN WITI{ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunco set my nand and affrxed tne seal , A.D.of said County, at Glenwood Sprrngs, tnis t9 day ot of the Board of County Comnissloners. County Clerr and ex-officio Clerx C 800r( flffifr6glfiO Eoox 66? m7 00 . . ExhiDit A A. B. coALRIDGEPLANNEDUNITDEVELoPMENTDISTRICTS r.0 r.l 2.0 2.L 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS MAP tne Garfield CountY zonrng ffiion-inatheSucceSsorSthereof,aSnow1naffectandas hereafter amended, are Dy this reference incorporated nerein as if set forth in fuII, to the extent not divergent from the provisrons of the coat Ridge Planned unit Development Zone Regulations. conflict: The provisions of tne zone Regulatlons snalI Fr"il-and govlrn the development of CoaI Rldge P.U.D. prorrided, however, where the Provlsrons ot tne Coal Ridge p.u.D. zone Regulations do not clearly address a specific suoject, the piovislons ot the Garfield county zonrng nes6lution, iircluding, and not Iimited to Section 5.03 1n its entirety, oE any other resolutions or regulatlons ot Garfreld CountY shall Prevail. The General DeveloPment Plan is and referenced as ExhlDit rrBrr attached to this resolution T TRANSITION Uses, by right: AgriculturaI, single family dwelling' utility lines of not greater than 69 KV, and taCilitieS and municipaf Structures to Serve existing and inclustrial needs' such ai plpelines, porrrerlines, suo-stations, conveyors 'ditcnes, - roads, undergrOund water and ser,,er f acilities, and easements; Uses, special: None ltinimum Lot Area: 2 acres Maximum Lot Coverage z 25 Percent tlinimum Setback:Front z '25 teet I0 feet 25 feetS ide: Rear: tlaxlmum Heigh@:25 feet T-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Uses, bY Right: Agrrcultural ffiand iacilities and municipal structures to serve exrsting and Indust,rlal needs, sucn as plPellnes, po$rerlines, suO-stations, conveyors, drtches, road, water and sewer facilrties, and easements' uses, sPecial: Heliport with support ffiffiminesaIvageyard,yardstorIayoutofstora9€, temporary structures f or housing, of f ice or storage rrrhen appiovea as a part of an extractive operatlon' Plant for faorication of goods from processed natural resources; material nanclllng, pumplng facrlitres, electrical dlstributlon, warehouse facilitres/staging areas, fabrication areas, storage areas, $rater rmpoundments, access routes, utr.tity lines over 69 KV, pipelines' 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Boo( 66e ?tfiE7OL Botir( 6G? frfflgl Sites for extraction, processi.ng and Storage of natural resources, including mines, shafts, plts, storage points, and borenoles for coal, oil and 9ds, geotnermal and other minerals, water, sand, gravel, rock, soiI, explosives, chemrcals and fuel. Railroad corridor for sPur or branch line serving agricultural/industrlal sltes; radro and/ot television transmission and recerving facility (not general broadcast), wholesale/retarl sale of coar. Minimum Lot Areaz 2 acres l,laximum Lot Coverage: Industr ial: 85 percent Minimum setback: A11 ouilclrngs shall meet the following ffit: 25 feet; side: l0 feet; Rearz 25 teet. Maximum Height ot lg!1gl-E: 35 feet permitted by SPeciaI Use Permlt' Revler" and approval based on the following criterra: I. The geograPhlc location 2. t'litigation of visual lmpacts to the surrounding areas. 3. Itltigation of impacts to adjacent l-and uses related to snadows, alr circulatron and vlew' Ivlultiple uses: t{ultiple on-aIIlands witnin t,his Speclal Use Permit" 4.0 4.lUsesrbyRignt:Existinguses,providedtnatsuchsnall be a noi-conforming use aS detlned ln Sections 6'II and 7.0 of the Garfield county Zoning Regulation, greenbelt, utillty Iines and sub-statlons, puDllc ano prrvate easements and r ights of vraY ; Par K - 4.2 Uses, Speclal: Sit'e f or por.'er and/or '"aterffiorage of agrrcultural materials, Puolic gatherings, waEer impoundments, recreational facilrtres and farf shelter including malntenance facrlities' I{rnimum Lot Area: Not aPPlicable4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.0 5.1 Maximum Heighc of Buildings: 35 feet SupplementarY Reguirements : AII Special Use Permit' applications snaII include a landscaprng design plan that' mlnlmlzes to the extent feasible visual and noise rmPacts associated with the proposed use (s) . AlI outside storage shall be enclosed and screened oy a slgnt ooscurrng tence' COS - Common Open Space: Tne Common Open rea't. shfincrude Parcers ot or a combinat,ion of land and r"ater designated and intended primarily of tne owners and occupants of Ene ryrximum Lot Coverage: Not aPplicable t{inimum setback: Notr appllcable uses snall oe Permrtted zone cltstrrct, provlded approved by Space Iano and areas of water, , wltnrn the PUD, for the use of enjoYment PUD, and Cneir employees- 5.2 L, C ibir c Boot 668 ?ff1&3 Iegal Deseiption A parcel of land beginning at the section corner found in place at the southeast corner of section 34, T5S, R90w, 6 P'M., County Of Garfield,, Co}orado, thence westerly along the south section line ofSect5-on34,T5S,R90W,6P'M"beingabearingofNBgo45'28"w' for a distance of 1980 feet to the northeast corner of 10t A' which is also the northeast corner of section 6, T65, R90w' 6 P'M'' thence due south atong the east section line of said Section 6, for a distance of 2550 feet to a point on the east-west centerline of said Section 6. Thence westerly along said centerline on a bearing of NBgo 4gr44, w, for a distance of 2655.78 feet to the center of said section 6. Thence continuing westerry along said centerline on a bearing of NBgo49'44u W, for a distance of 2655'78 feet to a point on the west section line of section 6. Thence due north for a distance of L532 feet to a point on the centerline of the colorado River. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of the colorado RiverrolabearingofN63o45'00"8'foradistanceof460feet' thence on a bearing N56o35',00" E' for a distance of 345 feet along the River centerliner thence on a bearing of N50o35'o0" E for a distance of 690 feet along River centerline, thence on a bearing of N53olS,o0,,E,foradistanceof3L2.48feet,thenceeasterlyalong the north section }ine of Section 6, on a bearing of s89o45'28" E, for a distance of 3827 '44 feet' ( 1 Legal Description according to Coal Ridge Planned Unit Development, Resolution No. 84- 261 recorded at Reception No. 358633 A parcel of land beginning at the Section corner found in place at the southeast corner of Section 34, T5S, R90W, 6 P.M., County of Garfield, Colorado, thence westerly along the south section line of Section 34, T5S, R90W, 6 P.M., being a bearing of N89°45'28" W, for a distance of 1980 feet to the northeast corner of lot A, which is also the northeast corner of Section 6, T6S, R90W, 6 P.M., thence due south along the east section line of said Section 6, for a distance of 2550 feet to a point on the east-west centerline of said Section 6. Thence westerly along said centerline on a bearing of N89°49'44" W, for a distance of 2655.78 feet to the center of said Section 6. Thence continuing westerly along said centerline on a bearing of N89°49'44" W, for a distance of 655.78 feet to a point on the west section line of Section 6. Thence due north for a distance of 532 feet to a point on the centerline of the Colorado River. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of the Colorado River, on a bearing of N63°45'00" E, for a distance of 460 feet, thence on a bearing N56°35'00" E, for a distance of 345 feet along the River centerline, thence on a bearing of N50°35'00" E for a distance of 690 feet along River centerline, thence on a bearing of N53°l8'00" E, for a distance of 312.48 feet, thence easterly along the north section line of Section 6, on a bearing of S89°45'28" E, for a distance of 3827.44 feet. Legal Description according to Coal Ridge Planned Unit Development, Resolution No. 84-261 recorded at Reception No. 358633 Timothy Barnett PLS 38404 1/10/23