HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.0 Staff Report & Exhibits DD 10.26.2020Lot Within Cooperton Townsite Amended Final Plat Administrative Review (File FPAA-09-18-8681) Applicants are Stefan Dag and Alexandra Anwyl-Davies October 26, 2020 Exhibit Letter Exhibit Description (Numerical) 1 Public Hearing Notice Information 2 Receipts from Mailina Notice 3 Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, as amended 4 Garfield County Comprehensive Plan of 2030 5 APPiication 6 Staff Report 7 Referral Comment -County Surveyor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 EXHIBIT Gørfi,eld Co ûlnty PUBTIC HEARING NOTICE INFORMATION Please check the äppropriate boxes below based upon the notice that was conducted for your public hearing. ln addition, please initial on the blank line next to the statements if they accurately reflect the descr¡bed action. E My application required written/mailed notice to adiacent propefi owners and mineral ownefs. X Mailed notice was completed on the 29th day of September , 2020. All owners of record within a 200 foot radius of the subject parcel were identified as shown in the Clerk and Recorder's office at least 15 calendar days prior to sending notice. X All owners of mineral interest in the subject property were identified through records in the Clerk and Recorder or Assessor, or through other means llist]No records of reserved mineral riehts wele located for the subiect properties. Please attach proof of certified, return receipt requested mailed notice. X ¡ tr My application required Published notice' Notice was published on the daY of Please attach proof of publication in the Rifle Citizen Telegram. tr My application required Posting of Notice. Notice was posted on the day of , 20-. 20 Notice was posted so that at least one sign faced each adjacent road ríght of way generally used by the public. I testify that the above information ¡s true and accurate. Name: Ka Signatu Date U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Do,nestic Mail Only EAdultsl$åtuE ElRaum ERotum inlornìalion, visit our website alFor PS Form 3BOO, April 201 5 PSN 7530 02 000-3047 U.S. Postal Service'^' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domest¡c Mail Only c 0itEnøumRslpt Retm Ræêlpt .1 rl RFTA I34O MAIN STREET CARBONDALE, CO EI623 our webs¡le al www.For deli conl"inf ormation. See Reverse lor lnslructiorrsPS Form 3BOO, APrrl 2015 PsN 75:rÛ 0/ 0u0 ludi EXHIBIT Eoqffiodt{rü nAduttslgmtuE EAdurt ERsrumflocoþt EFotumReotpl EVAA. C. ANWYL.DAVIES 848 COLINTYROAD 106 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domest¡c Mail Only ¡nformatiun v¡s¡t our webs¡lc at ryww. PS Forn 380o, Apr¡l 2015 PS¡l /530.02{ìoo.J0i7 See Beverse for lnstruct¡ons For dell conl U.S. Postal Service'" Ene¡m narûff€d nAduI Dolhr.ry For delivery ¡nformation, v¡s¡i ottr webs¡te at wwtv.usps-cont' PS Fornì 3800, April 20 1 5 PsN 7530'02.000-!047 See Reverse lor lnsltuct¡Õ¡l!ì ?1 ü53S Poslmsrk Hcrc rrqi29/?ü2û 0¡s8 053S 2t ß- E EOtr ru ru J mt¡l E trt EIE or!¡r ru fr B fu ?1 TTE rj|m ru fmlrl EEEE E rL TT ru r Err tt /?ü?[ r\ ¡t-¡r ru ru mul É EI Êt EI ErrIT ru rÉE fL ''t4r Hore EI E¡Em ru J ml¡l EfEtrlE trtr!r ru r trtr\ rr råEm rur mÐ trl EIEE EIr!¡r ru r Err 2l .f ruEm ru if mul E]fftrl EI Errtr ru trrì Eff! ZACHARY 88 PINE STREET CARBONDALE, CO 81623 ü539 PostÍìa'k Hare 9/29t2ú2ü E¿ fl539 Poslm6d( ûÍ38 Pælmer* Htre ?rl?lJ r 4..{r. .1 lJ STEFANADAG& EVAA. C. AN\ryYL'DAVIES 0484 COUNTYROAD 106 CARBONDALE, CO 8Ió23 'i Þosma* } HOlÉ Þ\ U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only !aetrmaæ*pt üørunoou¡r BRENT W. &.CÁ,R.A M. MA PO BOX 895 '-\ - - - CARBONDALE, CO 81623 For dolivery informalion. v¡sit our website at www. See Revelse lor lrìslruct¡onsPS Fornì 38OO , April 2015 pSN /530.02.000,9047 U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only i! ii JJ $3 Adult EAdult 8¡gnEtuÞ ECodliÊd Mell E Fotum RscÊ{pt ERamnu¡pt I $ t s $ Il !V IOOGLENWOOD CARBONDALE, CO 81623 JACK For delivery information, v¡sit our website al www.usps.conr'' PS Form 3800, Apr¡l 2015 PsN 7530.02'0m J047 Sce Reversc for lnstruchons /29/?û?tJ U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domest¡c Ma¡l Only üfå8 PoBrnûk Hgfe ?1 rlmEm ru :fmúl E EtEE Er!frru ITr{ EIr! t1 É.1 trtm ru.1mr¡ EI EI E¡ E¡ Êr rL IT ru r FIErr 2T tf¡ ¡Jl Em rutml4 EI EIEE E¡t!tr ru 11- r-lEr! ru-¡Em ru J m lfl E r:¡É tr¡ Er!r ru T|-r{Ef! D. ÍLEm ruÍ m IJì Êt trt trt EI Er!r ru tr Få EIÞ [f3s HEro t'539 21 /?r12fl L1Í38 Podmark H€rs û398 Postmad( HÊrê I I /r9/?ú7r){ \1ü co. DIV. OF 6060 DENVER, CO 8021 31 0539 2l -¡ EO Em ru ! rnr'| EItrl EIE EIr!r ru r 11 E¡rr Posfnart Hêra H€re l /?9/2ú2r) f3.gã FsÞl SlsnstuË llnaumnæpt E Adult slgn¡tuF EcsdieóMalt .5¡ i .*"'-' rlt .-' ... CARBONDALE, OO22 MESA DENISE& For information, v¡sil our websìte at c onl' I 201 5 Fst{ 7530 02.000.s047 See Reverse for lnstruct¡onsPS Form 11- $3 :..i:i Ecdtm€d E agtum Rtrm tl 5l 6238co'siårä:CARBONDALE' TOWN For dúllvery ¡nformat¡olì, visit our wcbsitc at coill 2015 PSN 7530'02.000.1047 See F¡eversc fol hìstrúcliorìsPS Forûì U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Ottly EAdultstgmtuß Ecoít,tod MeI E ndum Hæ€tpt E Fetun Bdoþt ¡nformatlon, visit our website at .con r'For PS Form 3BOO, April 201 5 PsN 7530.02-000'11047 See Reverse for lnslrúctions rL|j gä H $3. 55 Ecsrn€d E¡etum Enaum 1rl r:',' co8 M. For delivery information, vis¡t ôur website at PS Form 3800, April 2015 psN 7s30.02-000.s047 See Reverse tor lnstruct¡ons U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domest¡c Mail OnlY flriIþ,Çtr $3 $ R@lpl Eaerwn E o€rüfl€d Mall .55i.:'. i .1ü CARBONDALE, CO 81623 BRJAN 98 conr''v¡s¡Î our webs¡le al www.For delivery ¡ntormal¡on, See Reverse for lnstructiolìsPS Form 3800, Apr¡l 201 5 PSN 7530 02-000'0047 U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Ma¡l Only \ *3. Í5 SIOßIwû EÂdu¡sh¡ûrm ñftdÞt ERôtun fìsolFl EcdnÊd MaI s 3 I $ 0 CARBONDALE, CO 8 I 623 -2243 TKEVINJ& 160 PINE informâlion, v¡s¡t our website at tywry.For PS Form 3BOO, April 201 5 PSN 7530.02 0ú0 tJ047 Sec Reverse lor lnstructlors /?rl2ü U.S. Postal Service'"' CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Dotttestic Mail Only ?t mrtrlm ru.î mtr¡ Ef ËtEcl EIrlE' ru r 13tr r538 Postnar* l{åra l2û?rr a dfïeäi.tçCo Ë t3.5Í Elo.ilft€d Mrl ERet¡n s 3I L 10 I CARBONDALE, 22MESAA SIDNEYR For inlorrration. v¡s¡t our webs¡te at wwrr PS Form 3400, April 201 5 pSN 7s10.0?-o0r¡9047 See Reverse lor lnslructio¡s File No. FPAA-09-L8-8681 Di rector's Determin ation PW PROJECT INFORMATION AND STAFF COMMENTS TYPE OF REVIEW Amended Final Plat APPLTCANT (OWNERI Stefan Dag & Eva Anwyl-Davie SURVEYOR Lines in Space PRACTICAL DESCRIPTION 848 County Road 106, Carbondale, CO 8L623 LOT SIZE The applicant is proposing to combine the two lots which result in one lot of 2.L9-acres ZONING Rural RECOMMENDATION Approval with Conditions I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting to combine two lots, one of which is located within the Cooperton Townsite and another lot that is a metes and bounds parcel. Both lots are located within the Rural zone district. The application is required to go through an Amended Final Plat as one of the parcels is located on the Cooperton Townsite Plat. Both parcels are located alongthe Roaring Fork River and are relativelyflat. One of the parcels is improved with a manufactured home and a storage building. The other parcel is vacant. The applicant is combining the lots in order to meet the minimum lot size requirement to apply for a Secondary Dwelling Unit. Access to the property is through a dedicated easement over the railroad and RFTA trail. Water is provided via an onsite well and wastewater is provided via a OWTS. The applicant requested a waiver from the submittal requirements for an lmprovements Agreement. This request is deemed appropriate for the application as no new improvements are proposed or required as a result of the Amended Plat. EXHIBIT ttú I0ı 6 ll!, ¡r)ii!ìl(ti.tlllf ili{.rj\r:,r)ìi:r't I i:l l.:i t,jt Subject Parcels The parcels are located north of the Roaring Fork River and south of the railroad right-of-way Both parcels are relatively level with native vegetation maintained along the river. 2 III. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The Amended Final Plat Application is processed in accordance with Section 5-305, Amended Final Plat Review and Tables 5-103 Common Review Procedures. Section 4-IO3 and 4-101 address details of the review procedures. The Application has been determined to be complete including the waiver requests addressing the fact that an lmprovements Agreement is not warranted for the Plat Amendment Request. Public notice was required for the Director's Decision in accordance with Sections 4-103 and 4- 1O1. The Applicant has provided evidence of completion of the required notice for the Director's Decision. tV. PUBTIC AND REFERRAL COMMENTS The Applicant has provided documentation that all required notice mailings have been completed in accordance with the LUDC. No public comments were received as a result of the public notice. Referral Comments received on the Application are attached as Exhibits and summarized below: Garfield County Surveyor (Exhibit 7): Monument legend symbols are needed for the drawing. Witness corners will be needed for those corners that fall in the river. V STAFF ANALYSIS AND CRITERIA L. The Applicant's proposalwas reviewed against the Amended Final Plat Criteria contained in Section 5-305 (C), as follows: a) Does not increase the number of lots - The proposed Amended Plot will not increose the number of lots. b) Does not result in a major relocation of a road or add any new roads; or - The proposed Amended Pløt will not result in a major relocation of o rood or add new roads. c) Will correct technical errors such as surveying or drafting errors. - The Amended Plat has not been proposed to correct technicol errors. 2. The merging of the two lots will create a lot that complies with minimum lot size requirements for the Rural zone district. 3. No changes to existing utility locations or access are proposed as part of the amended plat process. 4. Because the lot is adjacent to the Roaring Fork River, Staff proposes a Plat Note indicating that future development on the property will be subject to applicable floodplain regulations. 5. The Title Commitment indicates that the IRS has a lien on the property. The applicant has provided proposed language for a Lienholder Consent that was approved by the lRS. The Lienholder certificate will be required on the Plat for IRS signature. J 6. The Title Commitment also indicates that there is a mortgage on the property, however the applicant has indicated that the mortgage has been paid off. Documentation of this will be required prior to Board signature on the Plat. Plot Excerpt t ¡\ì U Þ('o\Ètbqi =áo4!Ë F¡ s.Ë Èh< lli F F"HÞo,ã (l. H ÊrF ¡¡ Ê r' ¡{0.tr{r. Ë;ro!tnÞ EÉE oÞ*f, þr t{I rIli' ¡ E E I I '+' IE H þ E Þ: L I F ill iii ¡ii t:i !¡ I r¡l ü-l !il ;rlil¡llEI Í f ffiËq ffi[ ffi' ,iåTE ¡ ãiHE{¡t 1 -¡E I'lt¡iF Illt I ;þ¡EIT Ê:J t Itltt{ h tËl.li tËtlIF l"Itl¡ tÊ lrt{ lðl¡ a ¡¡ril fltll ilti! trtl r!ilt- ¡lti I ttill .... ¡{tta.: ¡¡lll i¡iti; ¡!! ¡i' I ¡ F H h F F I¡i I l i I ! I 4çrlErl l.l IIE nrli l|ffi|||ilti l< Itr h l{ li al: ¡l¡it-llt ¡t å lflrÍi-lt rl i r Httr h E tiiiidll 'i!'i!l Ir I¡¡rl i! !iriil !!llrrl tI ?a ri 'l I: f ttI ¡: I¡ 1 I I ta !r¡! l¡ ífl iril ffi 1q,H F llilFi iF.di!ls Ilt!È iit tli l-¡ lr tËllIIlrt l¡IE It to tüIT II t¡ ¡ , !{ a I F I II ¡I ! t i til ü ilñ f, F t I a í¡t.tiI 4 V¡ irìll.l¡,il'll::.rliJ i;:1'l 1¡ .¡lirl i,'i. r' ..r -¡ iij fiír.t:¡i.rlri1r: illi i.;i'l l:(,)rrL, Staff supports a finding that the Amended Final Plat Application meets the requirements and standards of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code as amended and is recommended for Administrative Approval by the Director of the Community Development Department subject to the following conditions of approval: Suggested Findings 1. That proper public notice was provided as required for the Director's Decision. 2. Consideration of the Application was extensive and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were given an opportunity to provide input prior to the Director's decision. 3. That for the reasons stated herein, the proposed amended plat is in the best interest of the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Garfield County. 4. That the application is in general conformance with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, as amended. 5. That with the adoption of conditions and for the above stated and other reasons the application has adequately met the requirements of the Garfield County Land Use and Development Code, as amended. Recommended Conditions of Approval L. All representations of the Applicant contained in the Application submittals shall be conditions of approval unless specifically amended or modified by the conditions contained herein. 2. The following amendments shall be made to the plat prior to obtaining signatures on the plat. The updated plat shall be provided to, reviewed and accepted by the County Surveyor, Community Development Department, and the County Attorney's Office prior to creating a Mylar copy of the plat and obtaining any signatures. Additional changes or modifications may be required by this additional review. a) A Plat note shall be included indicatingthat future development on the parcel will be su bject to applica ble floodplain regulations. b) The Plat shall read "lot line vacated" for lot lines being removed. c) The applicant shall include a lienholders consent certificate to be signed by the IRS or demonstrate that the IRS no longer has a lien on the property. This certificate may be amended to meet IRS requirements pursuant to County Attorney and Community Development approval. 5 d) The title of the Plat shall be updated to read, "Amended Final Plat of a Lot Within Cooperton Townsite". e) The Plat shall be updated to comply with the Garfield County Surveyor's referral comments. f) The applicant shall either provide documentation indicating that there are no other lienholders on the property (besides the IRS) or update the plat with additional lienholder consent items. lf a new Title Commitment is generated then the Plat shall be updated to show the new information. g) The Plat shall be updated to include mineral owners. h) The Amended Final Plat shall reference the Reception Number of the plat where the southern parcel is shown within the Cooperton Townsite. 3. The Applicant has 90 days within which to satisfy conditions of approval and provide the following documentation for BOCC signature and recordation: a. A plat mylar with signed Certificates that include Dedication and Ownership, Title, Taxes, Applicant's Surveyor, Lienholders and any mortgagees; b. Recording fees. 6 EXHIBIT + GarJield SURWYOR scorr AIBNER, P.L.S To:Sydney Lincicome - Lines In Space From: Scott Aibner - Garfield County Surveyor Subject: Plat Review - Dag / Anwyl - Davies Final Plat Amendment Date:t0n612020 Sydney, Upon review of the Dag i Anwyl - Davies Final Plat Amendment, I have comments or corrections to be made prior to approval for survey content and form as follows: l. Please apply the monument legend symbols to the drawing. It appears witness corners will be needed for those corners that fall in the river. Once this and all final comments from Community Development have been completed, the Mylar may be prepared for recording. The Mylar shall be delivered to the Community Development office with all private party signatures no later than Monday the week prior to the next commissioner meeting day in order to make that meeting. Sincerely, Scott Aibner Garfield County Surveyor cc Patrick Waller -- Community Development Department 109 B th Street , , Glenwood Springs, C08160i, , (970)945-1377 , e-mail:saibner@garfield-countycom