HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutLAEA-04-24-9018 Receipts1.00 Application1.01 Property Owner List1.02 Letter Addressing Authority to File1.03 Statement of Authority1.04 Pre-Application Conference Summaries1.05 Payment Agreement Form1.06 Mailing List & Maps1.07 Site Plan1.08.a Plan and Profile_Part11.08.b Plan and Profile_Part21.08.c Plan and Profile_Part31.08.d Plan and Profile_Part41.08.e Plan and Profile_Part51.08.f Plan and Profile_Part61.08.g Plan and Profile_Part71.08.h Plan and Profile_Part81.08.i Plan and Profile_Part91.08.j Plan and Profile_Part101.08.k Plan and Profile_Part111.08.l Plan and Profile_Part121.09 Pole Details1.10 Pole Heights1.11 Revegetation & Noxious Weed Plans1.12 Visual Simulations1.13 Drainage Memo1.14 Public Outreach Summary1.15 CPW Letter