HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutPUDA-05-22-8899 Receipts1.00 Project Narrative1.01 Pre-App Conference Summary1.02 Nutrient Farms PUD NTC Letter1.03 General Application Materials1.04 Waivers Request Letter1.05 Statement of Authority1.06 Letter of Authorization1.07 Evidence of Ownership Special Warranty Deed Land1.08 Special Warranty Deed Mineral Rights1.09 Title Commitment1.10 Nutrient Holdings LLC Art of Org & Change of Address1.11 Mailing List-Coal Ridge PUD1.12 Maiing List Riverbend Amend PUD1.13 Mailing List River Bend PUDs1.14 Mailing List - Nutrient Holdings LLC - Properties within 200'1.15 Certification of Mineral Owner Research1.16 Payment Agreement Form1.17 VicinityMap1.18 Site Plan1.19 Environmental Impact Report1.20 Soils/Geohazards Evaluation1.21 Phase III Bond Release and Terminaiton of Jurisdiction1.22 Slope Analysis1.23 Prelim Floodplain Map1.24 Weed Management Plan1.25 Reclamation Plans1.26 Sound Modeling and Testing Report1.27 Nutrient Farm Development Agreement-20231.28 Level III Traffic Impact Study1.29 Nutrient Farm PUD Plan Map-20231.30 Nutrient Farm PUD Guide - Revised August 20231.31 Exhibit A of PUD Guide - Nutrient Farm Legal1.32 Exhibit C Conc Access Circ Parking1.33 Exhibit D of PUD Guide - Table 2 Nutrient Farm Land Use Table - Revised August 20231.34 Exhibit E of PUD Guide - Nutrient Farm Definitions - Revised August 20231.35 Exhibit F of PUD Guide - Table10 Nutrient Farm Allowed Signs Design Reqirements - Revised August 20231.36 Water Supply Adequacy Report1.37 Central Water Distribution1.38 Water Sewer Plan1.39 OWTS Engineers Report1.40 Special Warranty Deeds - Water Rights1.41 Riverbend Water & Sewer - Will Serve Letter1.42 Xcel Will Serve Letter1.43 Riverbend PUD Information1.43 Sopris Engineering Survey - Riverbend Ranch1.44 Historic Letters1.45 Preliminary Map of the Riverbend PUD1.46 Declaration of Protective Covenants for Riverbend1.47 Coal Ridge PUD Information1.47 Overlay on Origina lRiverbend PUD1.48 Coal Ridge PUD Reso and Map1.49 Nutrient Farm PUD_Coal Ridge PUD Map Overlay1.50 Nutrient Farm_PUD_Overlay1.51 Riverbend Subdivisions Info1.52 Resolutions and Protective Covenants for Coal Ridge PUD , Riverbend PUD, Matthies Exemption2.0 Supplemental Application Info